Top 10 WORST Comic of
the Relaunch
Its been a year since DC relaunched its universe, and personally I
think most of it has been good but not all, there are many rotten apples in
this basket.
Here I have made a list of what I think are the worst titles of DC 12
issues into the relaunch(though not all have 12).
Just 3 things before I start, if you want to comment or maybe even share
your own lists you I encourage you to do it but for the record I consider this
3 things
1- I honestly tried to be
as objective as possible with this list, I go on detail of what I think is
failing on this titles but this ultimately MY OPINION, if you don’t agree, is
your opinion
2- If I didn’t read, it is
not on the list, and I read a lot this year.
3- Miniseries and events
But First the Dishonorable mentions that for one reason or another
couldn’t make it on the list
*Detective Comics #5-12 by Tony Daniels
*Superman by George Perez
*Savage Hawkman by Tony Daniels
*Deathstroke by Rob Liefeld
Now the List